Ester Spirits
Ester Spirits Strong Gin 700ml 57%
Ester Spirits Strong Gin 700ml 57%
Florals and spice weave over a foundation of citrus and pine forest; it’s viscous and intense, strikingly bright and peppery with a thunderous undercurrent of spice and citrus, all layered with complex savoury notes, made luscious and creamy with a motherload of macadamia. The beauty of the recipe means that, somehow, nothing stands out save for the remarkable layered texture, and symphony of balanced flavours. It’s been dubbed a gin geek’s gin and was titled as Worlds Best Navy Gin - World Gin Awards 2021, yet there is nothing elitist about it: just a beautifully crafted and quintessential cocktail gin that is built for the classics.
Intense + saturated + textured.
Feature elements of juniper, tasmanian pepperberry, cardamom and finger lime. Big bright green pineforest notes.
Suits a martini, army and navy and the most flavourful G+T.